Keto - What you need to know

Keto diets are successful vehicles for initial weight loss. They allow fish, seafood, low-carb vegetables (forget potatoes or carrots), cheese, meat, poultry, eggs, plain yogurt, and fats. You will forgo fruit, grains (bread and pasta), legumes and anything with added sugar.  On a standard ketogenic diet, calories are made up of 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 5 percent carbohydrate. Most American diets have a higher carbohydrate percentage, even when structured health consciously, to avoid excess calories and fats. This post will explore the Keto Diet.

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Weight loss by exercise

“To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume”. “It is just math”. “You just have to eat less than you consume”. These are the mantra’s that you hear as relates to weight loss. Exercise can help you achieve this by burning off some extra calories.  However, some people claim that exercise isn't effective for weight loss on its own. This may be because exercise increases hunger in some people, making them eat more calories than they burned during the workout. We believe that the lack of effectiveness of exercise alone is because it is hard to burn enough calories to really make a difference. It is also easy to consume an amount of calories equal or greater than those burned if one is not careful.

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Bone tissue is continuously lost by resorption and rebuilt by formation; bone loss occurs if the resorption rate is more than the formation rate. Menopause and advancing age cause an imbalance between resorption and formation rates (resorption becomes higher than absorption. Certain factors that increase resorption include aging, smoking, alcohol and estrogen deficiency, as well as specific risk factors such as use steroids or certain other medications.

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